Online Professional profile… not as easy as I thought!!!

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photo credit: sogesehen. via photopin cc

photo credit: sogesehen. via photopin cc

To build an online professional profile, I learned that it isn’t just as simple as setting up a proper social media account. What does “proper” mean anyway? Many questions flooded my mind while I was trying to access the topic.

– I’ve learned from Patricia’s blog that “you might just get your dream job while you are sleeping!” I agree with this, and it definitely shows how important it is to create a good online professional profile. Gone are the days where tons of effort is required to look high and low just for a job that you are interested in. Now, all you need is connection and a wide network, which can be fulfilled with the use of social media platforms!

Yvonne shared about her Google results and how you should manage your online profile with help from Google Alerts. She also said that it is important to keep your profile professional and not let inappropriate photos get in way, and suggested adjusting the privacy settings of the account or remove those photos completely. I’ve come across users who post really inappropriate photos on their Instagram accounts, I’m sure they’ll regret in future as people could have already saved those photos on their end. This brings me to a question: How do you manage information posted by others that is against you? Read my comment here.

Zoe and Corinne both mentioned the effectiveness of using LinkedIn for creating online professional profiles and recruitment. Despite agreeing with the effectiveness, I pondered over the possibilities of overcrowding accounts and information. The digital world is ever-changing, tons of new things happen from day to day. Therefore, is it sufficient to just rely on LinkedIn? If everyone uses LinkedIn, will it become just as normal and standard as a resume? How does one stand out from it? Read my comment here.

Thanks for reading!

(315 words)



Are you a professional on the web? | CorinneSim. on Available at: [Accessed December 4, 2014].

Hire me! I’m awesome!(for real) | Yvonne ☼ on Available at: [Accessed December 4, 2014].

Online meets Offline | Zoe on Available at: [Accessed December 4, 2014].

You might just get your dream job while you are sleeping! | PPU on Available at: [Accessed December 4, 2014].

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